First bloxberg Hub for the Academic Blockchain @ University of Geneva
First bloxberg Hub for the Academic Blockchain
Launch of the University of Geneva bloxberg Hub
The University of Geneva announces the launch of the Geneva bloxberg Hub, which aims to provide students, researchers, and staff of the University of Geneva with practical support for their blockchain-related activities in teaching, research, and use in administration. This makes the University of Geneva the first research institution to introduce such a hub.
The first event will take place on Monday, February 13, 2023. The Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the bloxberg Association, Soulla Louca, will present the keynote. bloxberg members of the University of Geneva will also present. The University of Geneva is a founding member of the bloxberg Association.
Welcome and Introduction | Prof. Jean Henry Morin, University of Geneva
Keynote | Prof. Soulla Louca, University of Nicosia, President of the bloxberg Association
Activities of the bloxberg Hub | Dr. Jörn Erbguth, University of Geneva
Discussion and questions