How to connect bloxberg with MetaMask for BISE Student

BISE Student has created a video tutorial to help students publish their theses via the bloxberg blockchain using MetaMask in the BISE Student “theses library”. The step-by-step guide is perfect for beginners who have little to no experience with blockchain and crypto wallets.

The tutorial can be found in the FAQ section of BISE Student. It offers clear and easy-to-follow guidance on downloading MetaMask, setting up a crypto wallet, connecting it to bloxberg, and getting the free cryptocurrency “bergs” to be able to secure theses via the bloxberg blockchain. Metamask is a browser plugin that is required to perform any transaction, such as submitting, changing, or endorsing a thesis on BISE Student.

BISE Student is a project by the bloxberg member Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The service provides an innovative open access platform for publishing student theses, following the open knowledge idea, allowing anyone to freely access, use, modify, and share knowledge. It makes the publication of excellent student theses much easier for students and provides an open and highly visible platform revealing the real worth of Bachelor, Master, and Diploma theses. With the integration of bloxberg, it is possible to certify data securely on a blockchain, ensuring the protection of intellectual property and the authenticity of data.

Watch the video here: