New Association member for bloxberg: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

We are thrilled to welcome Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) Campus Curitiba, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ricardo Fernandes da Silva, Director do PCT-CT, into the bloxberg network. Prof. Dr. Silva’s enthusiastic support encapsulates the spirit of this collaboration, and we are honored to have UTFPR join us.

Prof. Dr. Silva rightly notes, ‘It is with great pleasure that UTFPR participates in the bloxberg network. We are excited to contribute to the training of new developers and to the advancement of science and blockchain technology. Through this partnership, we aim to strengthen the network and collaborate on emerging projects within this ecosystem.’

With more than a century of dedication to professional education and community engagement, UTFPR Campus Curitiba is a formidable addition to bloxberg. Their commitment to the training of developers and their focus on advancing both science and blockchain technology align seamlessly with the objectives of our network. We eagerly anticipate the contributions and collaborative ventures that will emerge from this partnership as we collectively strive to fortify the bloxberg community and foster innovation in this dynamic field.

More info:


UTFPR Campus Curitiba